Hard Money Loans for Off-Market Properties

Some of the best opportunities for locating the right properties are not listed on any public real estate listing sites.

Mitigating Your Risk

Than Merrill’s excellent article recommends six critical documents to help reduce your exposure to risk.

Before You Secure a Hard Money Loan

There are a few questions you should ask yourself before you secure a hard money loan.

Maximize Your Budget

Spending time and money on expensive improvements can actually make your real estate investment harder to sell. Maximize your budget with these tips.

The True Cost of House Flipping

Beyond the cost of the property and the repairs, What are some of the other costs associated with flipping transaction?

Adding a Fan to Your Remodel

Adding a ceiling fan is a nice detail but it’s important to get the right size for the space and the optimal hanging distance from the ceiling.

Location, Location, Location

There are plenty of articles and studies showing which cities are ripe for house flippers, but what about something closer to home?

Hard Money vs Soft Money Loans

Bill Gassett details three main differences between hard and soft money loans for the real estate market.